Agenda Item: 6B |
Prepared By: Jim Kornas |
Business: Old Business |
Department: Executive Office |
Historical Markers - Proposed Maintenance Checklist for Volunteer Organizations and Individuals (S. Connelly)
BACKGROUND: At the Committee’s November meeting, the Committee briefly discussed the future ongoing maintenance needs of the landscaping around the thirteen Historical Marker sites, and appreciated the offer of assistance from the Rotary Club of Marco Island Sunrise as communicated to the Committee at its October 2, 2024 meeting. At that meeting, it was also noted that one or more unnamed residents near the Kirk Archeological Site marker on Olds Court, similarly offered to assist in maintaining that historical marker in the future.
To advance and formalize the Rotary's (and any neighborhood residents') understanding and commitment to maintaining each historical marker site, Chair Connelly volunteered to develop a proposed maintenance checklist for Committee review at its December meeting.
RECOMMENDATIONS: 1) Review and provide input to Chair Connelly’s proposed checklist; 2) devise a plan to engage and enlist one or more outside volunteers to commit to maintain the landscaping at one or more historical marker sites, and; 3) assign a Committee leader to take charge of the volunteer coordination effort.
POTENTIAL MOTION: None expected.