Agenda Item: 8(b)
Prepared By: Justin Martin, Director
Business: Consent Agenda Item
Department: Public Works
Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Change Order to Contract #2022-003 with Advanced Environmental Laboratories, Inc. to Provide for Monthly Surface Water Quality Testing of City Waterways for Nutrients and Quarterly Testing for Potentially Toxigenic Cyanobacteria (Algae) With a Total Annual Cost of $83,416.00 per year. - Justin Martin, Public Works Department.
The City of Marco Island entered into a contract with Advanced Environmental Laboratories, Inc. on December 22, 2021 in the amount of $30,676.80, following a successful bid. This contract was originally awarded by the City Manager because it was under the $50,000 threshold.
This contract had two prior change orders: the first included quality control samples required by FDEP, and the second added testing at four offshore sites. The total of these two change orders increased the annual contract amount to $47,028.00.
This third change order will add quarterly algae testing services. The total for this change order is $36,388.00 or a 77.37% increase to the contract. The new annual contract would be $83,416.00. Per section 2-259 (a)(4) of our Purchasing Ordinance, "All change orders that the city manager is not authorized to approve must be formally approved by the city council before work may be authorized to begin."
Funding for this Change Order is included in the FY25 Operating Budget, Other Contractual Services account #001-5400-5410-523400.
Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Change Order for contract 2022-003 with Advanced Environmental Laboratories, Inc. to provide for monthly surface water quality testing of city waterways for nutrients and quarterly testing for potentially toxigenic cyanobacteria (algae) for an annual contract amount of $83,416.00.
"I Authorize ...
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