Agenda Item: 12(b) |
Prepared By: Daniel J. Smith, AICP, Director |
Business: City Council Item |
Department: Community Affairs |
Name Recommendation for the New City Park - Daniel J. Smith, AICP, Director - Community Affairs
Per Sec. 387 of the Land Development Code, 30 percent of usable open space is required for a Planned Unit Development (PUD). The developer, working with staff to approve the San Marco PUD, brought forward a city park as a means of meeting the open space requirements of a PUD. As part of the agreement in accepting the park, the developer agreed to include a shaded 20 exercise fitness station, restrooms, walking paths, picnic tables, benches, shade trees, and a hydration fountain. Per the park development agreement, the developer will maintain the park for 30 years.
On September 9, 2024, at the City Council meeting, staff were directed to meet with the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee (PRAC), bringing back a recommendation for a name for the new park. The park is adjacent to the proposed assisted living facility (ALF) and NCH Urgent Care, at S. Heathwood and San Marco Road, fronting the water’s edge of the Castaways waterway.
PRAC directed staff to advertise the park naming in the form of a contest, to the citizens of Marco Island. After 2 weeks, a list was compiled with the top ten names given to PRAC. Of those ten, PRAC narrowed the field to 3, in consideration of Resolution 10-27, the City’s policy for naming facilities and parks.
The top three are as follows:
Castaways Park San Marco Park First Responders Park
FUNDING SOURCE / FISCAL IMPACT: Park will be transferred to City of Marco Island, at no cost to the city, at ALF occupancy. The developer agrees to maintain the park for 30 years at which time the city will bear the cost for maintenance.
RECOMMENDATION: Name new park per PRAC recommendation
POTENTIAL MOTION: Move to name the park….